Sunday, January 31, 2016

Learning Challenges: Happiness Jar

The Happiness Jar is a jar where your write down on a slip of paper every time something that made you happy happens and you put this slip of paper into the jar!

I have made my Happiness Jar today and started to fill it with happy memories from this year so far.

My Happiness Jar (filled and surrounded by things that make me happy!)

I look forward to filling it with more memories and see how these sunny memories helps me on a day when I'm feeling blue!


  1. Hello Lore!

    This is such a great idea! I believe it would be especially helpful when you are having a bad day, or something is not going your way. I have a 3 year old, and I believe this would be a great way to start teaching her how you can be sad and mad, but that there are also ways to make you happy again (like re-reading your happy moments) :)

    Thanks for the good idea!

  2. Lore, I never came across this learning challenge, and I wish I had. One thing that I love about it is that a happiness jar is considered a learning challenge. I have read up on how happiness is actually something we can learn. It is such a revolutionary idea as often we just assume it to be derived based on quality of life and other such inputs. It is such a beautiful thought that we are in control of this aspect of our lives! Love this.

  3. That is a cool idea. I have heard of people having journals where they try to write positive things but a happiness sounds pretty original. You seem that you have already put quite a few good things in there already. Hope you have many more in the future.
